Network Marketing is not for Poodles. Run with the Bog Dogs

BigDogs is Not For Poodles
I have been promoting Secrets of the Big Dogs for quite awhile and recommend ONE PATH to Success – All In!
I’ve been preaching about Multiple Streams of Income FOREVER, and have participated in many programs, both those designed by others, and ones I designed myself. The failure rates on these programs are high, not due to faulty design or resources, but because the PARTICIPANTS do not INVEST in traffic site upgrades, DO NOT PERSIST, or do not DO THE WORK.
Big Stan has done a tremendous job putting together his Big Dogs system. If you FOLLOW THE PLAN and DO THE UPGRADES that will allow you to EARN the HIGHEST COMMISSIONS, the plan WORKS!!!
Step-by-step, NEWBIE FRIENDLY, detailed instructions, and a DAILY WORK SCHEDULE (5-day work week) that tells you WHAT to promote WHERE and WHEN. Don’t worry. Get it done in 30 to 60 minutes per day.
The biggest failure of any of these programs is that subscribers cannot (or in most cases, simply will not) join and UPGRADE on the traffic sites. This is a BUSINESS. You cannot possibly be positioned to EARN unless you PURCHASE THE UPGRADES necessary to drive the HIGHEST COMMISSIONS.
I went ALL IN, but Stan outlines several different scenarios to SCALE UP. 
I get it. People are worried about dumping a bunch of money for a long time or feeding the beast month after month with no results. Stan has designed this with WELL KNOWN and LONG-STANDING DEPENDABLE TRAFFIC SOURCES that allow you to reach the MOST ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS to generate the MOST SIGNUPS and COMMISSIONS. 
If you need to scale back, no problem. Most traffic sites can accommodate MONTHLY UPGRADES so you can downgrade if a site is not performing (yes, you are TRACKING your traffic) or are in a money crunch.
Oh, Stan ANSWERS HIS PHONE so if you need help, HE IS THERE.
Does this cost money? YES. What you can afford.
Does it require commitment ? YES. Minimally 30-60 minutes per day 5 days per week
Will top results happen immediately? NO. It WILL take time and PATIENCE
Take a look. This is the BEST $7 you will spend to learn about a GREAT PROGRAM that WORKS.
Rich Moyer