What Can I Help You With?

What Can I Help You With?First, I want to thank you for signing up on my lists and visiting my sites.  I hope that I can HELP YOU.

I just want you to know, that even though most of the communications you might be receiving are telling you about the various projects, and programs that I am involved with, and many times, I am inviting you to join this or sign up for that.THERE ARE NO LINKS TO CLICK, OFFERS TO CONSIDER, AND I AM NOT SELLING ANYTHING.

Honestly, in my marketing for some of my projects, I have been criticized by my uplines that “I’m not closing the sales”, and my response is that I am a CONSULTANT FIRST and FOREMOST.  I had one tell me that when I ask, “How Can I Help You?”, that is a sign of weakness.

I am now retired, but I have spent the better part of my career, and my “after career” jobs, as a professional consultant.  My background is heavy on the technical side of IT and Business with a Fortune 50 company. For many years in IT, and also on the business side, I was working with business departments to translate what the “business” needed to the technical requirements that “IT” needed in order to develop the systems to accomplish what the “business” needed or simply make their business unit more efficient and effective.

My team, in a complete departure from IT, helped the “business” customers look at their own “business processes” before they even approached IT with requirements.  I was actually certified as a practitioner and instructor in “Business Process Engineering”, a methodology developed by Texas Instruments based on the principles of Dr. Michael Hammer and James Champy of MIT (Reengineering the Corporation, A Manifesto for Business Revolution, 1993).  I taught these principles to director-and-above management, and was a facilitator of several key projects in Finance, Time Reporting, Payroll, and Accounting – necessary consolidations to eliminate duplication of business processes after several major mergers and acquisitions.

I am a trained IT and Financial Auditor (Sarbanes-Oxley) and was Quality Champion and an ISO9002 auditor.  These auditing skills were utilized, not as most auditors are viewed, but as a consultant to do “pre-audits” and help my clients remediate any issues before the “real” auditors came in.  Rather than issuing “findings” and “opinions”, we gave our clients “recommendations” and “implementation plans”.

After my first retirement, and some extended auditing engagements (4-6 months each), I spent six years doing “consultative selling” of professional services and managed print for an international computer peripheral manufacturer, assessing the current print environments for Enterprise-level customers, and developing business cases that in most instances, saved them literally millions of dollars.  This was easy – the numbers did the talking for me.  I just needed to work with the companies to understand their business and processes, and then make recommendations to streamline and consolidate duplication of processes and equipment.

In parallel, had my own IT and Small Business Consulting firm since 1998, also a Real Estate Investment firm, and Property Management firm.

So, all this is just to say, I AM A PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT and a RESOURCE YOU SHOULD CONSIDER USING before you sign up for any program and invest your money trying to market them.

Man-Explain-With-Friends-03I mentioned that I am retired. Actually, this is the third time. In my career, I had several mentors: senior-level management who worked with me as my career advanced.  They told me what I was doing right, and more importantly, told me what I was doing WRONG.  They were absolutely HONEST with me, which was probably the best learning experience I ever had.  We jointly developed strategies and charted my progress in the business.

Well, it is my turn to “Pay it forward”, and offer MY CONSULTING SERVICES FOR FREE.   What you can expect is to have me ask many questions to find out what your level of interest is, what your business goals are, what your level of expertise is, and provide you with some recommendations, suggestions, and some resources YOU can use to forward YOUR BUSINESS. 

So I will repeat: I am a CONSULTANT FIRST, and FOREMOST.   

I am not here to “make a killing” from anyone.  Any residual income I get from any of these efforts goes BACK INTO MY OWN BUSINESS so I can afford to keep the lights burning on the 25+ websites associated with Life Balance Network, in order to provide these resources to you.  

Most of the eBooks and eCourses I make available to my consulting clients are FREE.   If I am bound by licensing to charge a minimum price, I assure you that the prices I charge are absolutely the minimum allowed by the author or licensor of the product.  (I most cases, I had to PAY for these myself but I only charge if the licensing requires it).

Give me a chance to HELP.

I provide you with my personal contact information BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO UTILIZE MY SERVICES…  

For FREE for being such loyal members of my lists.

Rich Moyer
Phone 484-902-8819 M-F 8am-5pm Eastern (USA)
Email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail.com