My Decide Your Path Funnel


Gdecideyourpathetting business leads is important, as a matter of fact, building your list, and GROWING YOUR LIST are the MOST IMPORTANT things you can do in marketing YOUR BUSINESS.  Once you have them on your list, I like to refer to them as PROSPECTS, since those leads have demonstrated SOME INTEREST in your business or promotion.  The next thing you need to do is to turn those PROSPECTS into CUSTOMERS.
There is a saying:  A good marketer builds his/her list.   A GREAT marketer SORTS.  The talent here is the ability to determine first, the interest and genre of the leads on your lists, and ultimately, segment that list so you are providing messaging and offers to the prospects ACCORDING TO THEIR INTERESTS.
This implies that simply having a lead capture program is not enough.  RIGHT!  Your lead capture program must deliver a message that is amenable to the leads receiving that message, it must capture the pertinent information appropriate for that interest, and provide a segmented message stream to deliver TARGETED messaging to the newly acquired PROSPECT that is appropriate to the topic that interests your PROSPECT.
Decide Your Path is a great traffic exchange but your referrals are simply that. You can send emails to your “downline” from within Decide Your Path, but you need a way to “cultivate” your prospects into being customers.  Do that by giving THEM a way, not only to make money through Decide Your Path,  but give them information.  We are going to capture their name and email address BEFORE they are forwarded to Decide Your Path using what I will call Decide Your Path Funnel.  (Decide Your Path Funnel is my own creation, and is not affiliated with Decide Your Path).
What information can you give them, and where do you get it?  Stay tuned.

Now You Have These Prospects…

What you do with the prospects you acquire in the first couple days is crucial.   You want to tell them about your business.  This is not a resume, but simply some information about yourself, your company, and your products.  You must make the effort to get people to KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you, your company, and your products.  (If this sounds familiar, the phrase is used over and over again by GVO/Pure Leverage CEO Joel Therien).
This is where I am going to deliver the good news and the bad news.
The bad news first.  You need an autoresponder.  While there are free options out there, I feel as though I AM TRUSTING MY BUSINESS TO THIS SOFTWARE, and I want the best, most reliable, and most flexible platform.  This, unfortunately, does NOT come for FREE.  Since there are many different autoresponder systems, I stay within the Top Five:  GVO/Pure Leverage, Aweber, TrafficWave, GetResponse, and Global NPN.

The Good News

I do have my favorite autoresponder systems (of which TrafficWave is one).  Thanks to a now-defunct program called Your-Profit-Funnel, I have a 154 day autoresponder sequence that I will give you for FREE, but it does require TrafficWave unless you want to manually enter all 75 or so messages into another flavor of autoresponder.  The messaging in this autoresponder sequence is FOR and ABOUT Internet Marketing, so if your target audience is something else, you might want to consider another line of messaging that is appropriate to your target market.


Decide Your Path Funnel System and Autoresponder Setup  

If you do not have TrafficWave, the good news is that there is a 30 free trial.  But better yet, I participate in a program called Matrix Buster that allows ME to pay for your second month, on the condition that YOU will do the same for others.  A fantastic downline builder.  The monthly cost of TrafficWave is $17.95, but ONE REFERRAL pays for your monthly membership.

But There is More to Setup Than the Autoresponder.

Splash Pages vs Landing Pages.  For Traffic Exchanges and Safelists, splash pages are the best because they load quickly, and are succinct and to the point.  This may be fine if you are sending to YOUR DOWNLINE, but when sending to safelists and traffic exchanges, the ad recipients are not on YOUR LIST, but on SOMEONE ELSE’S LIST.  
The whole idea is to get those leads into YOUR LIST, so I prefer sending my leads to a LANDING PAGE (also called a lead capture page or squeeze page).  I want those people on MY LIST right up front.  Even if they do not commit to the PRODUCT or back end program, there is a greater chance that they will stay on MY LIST so I can spoon-feed them more information.  
Another advantage to using a front-end landing page is that it filters out the spammers and robots.  You must set your autoresponder to require opt-in confirmation to effectively filter these out.
In the Promotional Center Section of Decide Your Path, they do have Splash Pages, a Landing Page, and a Custom Splash Page built for you.  If you share my opinion that Landing Pages are best, I recommend my Decide Your Path Funnel pages that I will customize for you.
By joining my team at Decide Your Path Funnel, you will get access to six pre-built Landing Pages, and as a bonus, I have included a Landing Page Rotator that displays a different landing page every time that program is accessed.  You can use this this rotator as the Target URL for Safelists and Traffic Exchanges, which then collects the name and email information, then exits to the Decide Your Path Landing Page.  This sounds confusing, but remember that Decide Your Path is only interested in getting referrals into THEIR system, and if you don’t capture that prospect’s information first, you would lose it if they do not subscribe to Decide Your Path.

Done-For-You Setup.

I will set up your landing pages, create the TrafficWave campaign, and set up a Landing Page rotator (one URL for all landing pages).  I can do this in about 24-48 hours.   I will configure the six landing pages and the landing page rotator for you, and host them on MY SITE for $10 per year, including Done-For-You Setup.  
If you want only the configuration, and you choose to host on your own hosting account, the cost for setup is only $5 USD.  I will provide a zip file containing the configured files that you can upload to your hosting account and expand.

Using the Landing Pages

To use them, you simply promote the URL of the Landing Page Rotator I supply, and your prospects will be prompted for their email and name.  Once they opt-in, they will then redirect to YOUR Decide Your Path landing page where they can sign up for Decide Your Path.    

Information I Need to Configure Decide Your Path Funnel:

TrafficWave: I need your login ID for TrafficWave, and I recommend change your password to something like GOOFYDOG – then change it back after I get it done.   


Other Autoresponder System:  You must first set up a campaign in your autoresponder, and provide the HTML Form Code so I can create the landing pages for you.  You will have to create your own autoresponder follow-up messages.

Watch the Non-Standard Graphic Sizes

If you look at the Promo materials, a couple comments on ad graphics:
  • Beware of the graphic sizes.   If you are using safelists or traffic exchanges, there are 3 standard size graphics allowed:  DYP has a 468×60 for banner ads, and the 125×125 for Button Ads, but there is no 600×300 for login ads.  
  • As part of my team, you may use these 600×300 graphics for free:
  • If you want to download the 600×300 graphics, Right-click then Save-As to your hard drive (or better yet, to DropBox). 
  • If you don’t have DropBox, it’s free and has tons of cloud storage so I recommend signing up.  Just copy the file to the PUBLIC folder.  Find the file, right click, and grab the Public URL, then use that when defining the Banner URL for login ads.

Here are the standard DYP Banners



dypdyp 468×60




Ideas to make this an INCOME GENERATING SITE.

  • The idea is to get leads FOR YOUR PRIMARY BUSINESS.  But what if you don’t have a primary business yet?   I’ve been involved with several Multi-Stream Income programs that present your referrals with several low-cost, cash generating programs.  
  • Joining Seed Programs.  When you join one of these “seed programs”, you typically pay $7-10 for membership.  The whole idea is to start a small stream of income, so you can invest the commissions into bigger, higher commission programs.
  • No Mandatory Participation. I am not in favor of making the seed program memberships mandatory – I’ve been involved with several that never got off the ground.
  • Voluntary but Lucrative.  If you explain the strategy to your downlines — using seed programs to fund memberships in high commission programs, some will “get it”.  
  • Team Build/Co-Op.  In addition, I would create a “rotator” for all of my downline affiliate’s ID’s, and I would buy SOLO ads as a Team Build.  That means that all downline affiliates would have an equal shot at getting traffic.  If I set this up as a Co-Op, the individual costs are minimized.  I generally pay between $50-$100 for my trusted favorite SOLO sources.  So, if we get 10 people in the Co-Op, for $10 each we could get some very good traffic.
  • I Would Fund Other Traffic. I would also throw in my own promotion sources – I would include your Landing Page URL in the rotator I send to 15,000 members every 3 days in one source, and in another, I send to 18,000+ every day.
  • Safelist Memberships. I own two safelists and a hybrid Safelist/Exchange.  These have connections to some great Super Networks and premium SOLO ads on these networks are the lowest allowable cost (I am a partner but have contractual limitations on price).
  • TONS of FREE STUFF.  eBooks, eCourses, and other programs.  Most are free, but if I am required to charge, it would be the minimum allowable price (I license some of these materials).

Recommended Cash-Flow Programs

Joining these programs is entirely voluntary, but integral to beginning to show success in YOUR BUSINESS.

IMPORTANT:  If you do NOT have a membership to, please sign up HERE



The following programs will start to generate some income.  In order for your business to succeed, you must take the commissions earned from each of these programs, and REINVEST THEM back into YOUR BUSINESS.  For example, if you get a paid referral to ThisMailer, you take that $79 commission and join/upgrade another program, or purchase a SOLO ad to promote the Your-Profit-Funnel landing page.   If your audience is already on your list, use Splash pages (with the rotator).



The Voluntary Programs

  • TWTrafficWave – $17.95 – free 30 day trial
    • This is a critical component for prospect management and drip-feed follow-up messaging
    • TrafficWave ensures double-opt-in and email confirmation of the lead before allowing them on the Prospect (subscriber) list and participating in the drip-feed follow-up messaging


  • thismailerThisMailer – $79 per year
    • This is a SIMPLE, cheap, straight-forward lead capture system.  
      • No frills, but for someone just starting out, it could be a great, but inexpensive, tool
    • 100% commission paid directly to YOU via Paypal
    • No reseller license fee
    • Optional ThisMailer Autoresponder is $39 per year
      • Likewise, no frills but gets the job done.
      • You can market this to your DOWNLINE’s REFERRALS
    • Why would someone want this rather than Your-Profit-Funnel?
      • Simple to set up.  Simple to operate.  No knowledge needed of HTML and PHP


  • topsurfer

    TopSurfer – free – optional upgrades

    • I strongly recommend TopSurfer, not only as a great affiliate program but also as one of my Go-To resources for SOLO ads that CONVERT!   I get signups EVERY TIME I buy SOLO ads from TopSurfer
    • You must get the $10 Wholesaler (affiliate) upgrade per month so you can get referrals
    • You get paid commission when you sign up referrals, with residual income, and a percentage of all your referrals’ ad purchases


  • listjoeListJoe – free
    • Another highly ranked surf site with reliable High CTR traffic
    • Optional upgrades 
      • Bronze $37
      • Silver $47
      • Gold $67 per month or  6-month and 12-month options


  • SOTAMSOTAM (State of the Art Mailer) – free
    • One of the best, highest ranked safelists and mailers.
    • Optional upgrades:
      • 1,500 Button $9.78 / month, $58.65 for 6 months
      • 3,000 Button $16.68 / month,  $100.05 for 6 months
      • 5,000 Button $32.78 / month, $196.65 for 6 months
      • 7,500 Button $48.88 / month, $293.25 for 6 months
      • 25,000 Button (Viralist) $96.03 / month, $576.15 for 6 months


    • $4.99 member to member cash program
    • CashBot has an extensive download area that contains top quality PLR programs that each Cashbot subscriber can use, and resell or give away.  There is over 1 Gygabyte of material to download.


  • pure leverageFacebook Instant Income System (Pure Leverage)
    • Full featured Business Tools Suite
      • Autoresponder, video email, video capture pages, webinar platform
    • Join Facebook Group for free Facebook Instant Income System
    • Tools only: $24.95 per month
    • 100% Commissions, residual income, bonus awards 
      • Requires Pure Leverage Reseller $19.95 
    • Got Backup
      • Unlimited Cloud Storage – back up all your devices
      • Requires Pure Leverage + Pure Leverage Reseller +GotBackup + GotBackup Reseller



  • vstreamtvVSteamTV
    • Eliminate Your Cable Bill
    • Over 100 Streaming Channels
    • 30% Reseller Commission as a free Distributor
    • Pro Upgrade $49.95/month but gets higher commission + residuals + matrix positions


  • Affiliate FunnelAffiliate Funnel – free
    • Lead Capture and promotion tool
    • Optional upgrades:
      • Silver $5.97 / month
      • Gold $9.97 / month


  • Viral URLViralURL – free
    • Continuously high CTR mailer
    • One of the best link cloakers
    • Optional upgrades 
      • Silver $17/month, $77/yr
      • Gold $67/month, $247/yr 
      • Platinum $107/month, $277/yr for Free members
      • Diamond $37/month, $167/yr + GOLD membership
      • Elite $37/month, $167/yr + Platinum membership


  • ViralHosts
    • Continuously high CTR mailer
    • Inexpensive hosting for mini-sites
    • Optional upgrades
      • Lifetime, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Elite


  • aiopAIOP Response
    • Bare bones lead capture and autoresponder.
      • Do it yourself autoresponder follow-up message sequence
    • 100% Commissions + residual income with no reseller fee
      • $11.50 per month
    • Optional upgrade to Pro membership at $21.50 per month Includes
      • Hosting,
      • Instabuilder,
      • Extensive PLR library,
      • Splash page maker, and
      • so much more


  • Referrer Primary Business  programs
    • perpetual income clubvPerpetual Income Club
      • Perpetual Quik Start
        • Earn income with mandatory “seed program” $14.95 per year
        • 2500 hits per month required (or <$8 per month)
      • Earn $39 every time you cycle 2×2 matrix
        • Team Build promotes 2×2 matrix so you cycle more quickly 
    • WorldProfit
      • Silver Member $99.95 per month
      • Everything you need for effective safelist/TE advertising
      • 120+ Streams of Income
      • eBlast to 30,000 per month
      • 500 Landing Pages
      • Landing Page Builder
      • Complete Award Winning Website, domain name, Amazon Store, PLR Store
      • So much more
So, this is a lot to digest and think about.  I don’t have the specifics laid out for the individual “quick cash” programs yet,  but it wouldn’t take long to get these set up.
  • To get LEADS!  
  • To Convert those Leads to Prospects!  
  • To Convert Prospects to Customers!
  • Make Money!
I will help you do that.  Thanks for joining my team!
As always, please feel free to contact me with questions, if you want a demo, or are curious about other resources I can share with you.

My contact info:

Rich Moyer
WebcastSource .com
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail .com
Paying It Forward…


 Background:  Elk in Yellowstone National Park, 2013