Don’t Pass This Up!

Haven’t Taken Action Yet on LSN? Don’t Pass This Up!

Hi.  My name is Rich Moyer, and if you were to sign up for LSN now using the credit link, I would be your sponsor.      I will help you get your first LSN sign-up.

Is there a question I can answer, or any way I can help you move to the next level?I am interested to hear about your business goals, and might be able to show you some ways you can make an LSN paid membership possible.  All you need is TWO sign-ups at BASIC level to cover both YOUR OWN BASIC level subscription and RESELLER license.  With only these two signups, you are IN PROFIT.I will extend this offer to you: 
My Commitment
  • Sign up for a BASIC LEVEL subscription AND RESELLER license.  You can click the banner above.
  • If you SIGN-UP within the next 5 days, I will help you get your first signup by promoting YOUR REFERRAL LINK using CONTACT SOLO ADS  to 150,000 safelist members.  Free.  At my expense.
  • I can provide FREE or INEXPENSIVE RESOURCES to help you get your promotions on track for LSN and any other project you are promoting.

I do feel that this is a fantastic opportunity, and getting in at the ground floor is important.

My Commitment

Please consider my offer to you, and if it will help you get on board, I will extend my offer to help to ANYONE ELSE YOU PERSONALLY REFER TO ME FOR HELP.   

If you sign up for a BASIC+RESELLER subscription, I am willing to do a multi-participant webinar or Google Hangout with you and your prospects.  I will set up the webinar, and do all the talking.  Your job is to get your prospects lined up and get them to attend with you, which will provide me with the opportunity to explain the program, benefits, and strategy on how THEY can also cash in on this opportunity.   If any of your prospects choose to sign up, it will be USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK.

Get Access

JOIN NOW by clicking the red button.
The Obvious Question: What’s In It For Me?
For you: 
  • You get the advantage of making possibly your FIRST SALE ON THE INTERNET
  • You get Income NOW
  • You get Residual Income for as long as your signups remain members
For me:
  • I get to BUILD MY TEAM
  • I teach MY TEAM valuable skills that can be used to PROMOTE ANYTHING
  • MY TEAM will eventually learn how to do this SO THEY CAN TEACH OTHERS
  • MY TEAM will build THEIR OWN TEAM that does not need me for every prospect
  • I get Residual Income for each of the sales in MY DOWNLINE
If truly interested, contact me.   Tire Kickers Need Not Apply. 
Thanks for your time.
Rich Moyer
484-902-8819 M-F 8am-5pm Eastern USA
Skype: richard.moyer.1953