Q. Where do I get a blog like this?
A. Email Rich Moyer
- email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail.com
Q. How can I comment on these articles?
A. Comments have been restricted due to spam.
- email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail.com
Q. May I copy the articles on this blog?
A. I have purchased the Private Label Rights for these articles.
- Give me a list of which articles you wish to have, and I will create your own personal eBook, and grant you PLR rights to give it away or sell it.
- I will give you a quote to create that eBook (I have to pay $4.95 for the cover and basic artwork, so the typical cost for a 10 article eBook would be $17.00. More if you need custom artwork).
- You may NOT copy, show, embed, or refer to any copyrighted work without permission of the author or owner of rights for that work.
Q. How do I sign up for the WordPress Video Training Series? Other training programs?
A. As with any of the eCourses available, go to THIS PAGE, and Opt-in to the corresponding list. Modules are delivered one per week, or request to get the training all at once as an eBook or Zip file for a nominal fee.
Q. How do get training on using safelists?
A. Sign up for the WorldProfit Free Associates program. Absolutely free. Sign up HERE. There are some training videos and tutorials. The best training that I have found, and the one I recommend for all my consulting clients is yours when you upgrade to Silver Member.
- There are many reasonably priced cost ebooks and training videos located at my Mega PLR Store on WebcastSource.com.