I like to think of a Feeder System as a “gateway” that introduces subscribers to a complete portfolio of money-making opportunities. Feeder systems are like Downline Builders on steroids. The “entry cost” is usually low, but provides a small income while you are working your list to promote the back end systems. The nice thing is that you promote ONE URL and when people sign up, they are encouraged to join the back end systems that will multiply their income.
What is an example of a Feeder Systems?
- Perpetual Income Club – a one-time lifetime fee of $14.95 for Perpetual Quick Start opens the door to other profitable systems like The Average Joes, TrafficWave.net, EasyHits4U, InstantSplash, 7 Day Success Plan, SuccessQuik, and ViralAdBuilder.
For one $14.95 fee, you get entry to the 2×2 Matrix.
- Your referral link is promoted by the Team Build until you fill the 2×2 matrix.
- You fill the 2×2 Matrix, and you get paid $39 for every time you cycle.
- The $39 payments allow you to join the downstream programs to the level you can afford it.
- The more $39 payments you make, you can afford to upgrade to the higher levels of paid memberships, which means the higher the rewards.
So what do you have to do to contribute to the Team Build?
- Contribute 2500 clicks per month to your referral ID, or pay a modest $7-$8 monthly fee.
The whole idea is to give you some seed money right away so you CAN reinvest that money into your business over and over again.
Won’t You Join Me at Perpetual Income Club?
Background: Elk in Yellowstone National Park, Sept. 2013