Surfing Can Be Fun!
Surfing Can Be A Challenge!
Surfing Can Be Rewarding!
The More You Surf
the More Points You Can Make
When I say SURF, I mean to take advantage of
EVERY OPPORTUNITY to click ANY AD for points.
That means:
Banner Ads
Button Ads
Hot Links
Traffic Links
Solo Ads
Get the most out of your Safelist. See the Video.
It makes the TIME FLY, and
and even ADS and CASH
It’s All About Strategy!
Did You Know?
At Giant Profit Ads and Mad-Cow Ads, the following SURFING PRIZES Are In Effect EVERY DAY?
5 Button = 100 points
25 Button = 500 points
50 Button = 1,000 points
100 Button = 2,500 points
1 Solo = $.0001
5 Solo = $.0005
10 Solo = 1,000 points +, $.001
25 Solo = 2,500 points + $.01
50 Solo = 5,000 points + $.02
100 Solo = 10,000 points + $.05
25 Banner = 500 point
50 Banner = 1000 points
100 Banner = 2,500 points
250 Banner = 5,000 points
25 Hotlink = 500 points
50 Hotlink = 1,000 points + 1 hotlink w 1000 views
25 Traffic = 500 points
100 Traffic = 1,000 points
250 Traffic = 2,500 points