LifeBalance B2B Blog – Reference Page

The Team Elite Home Businesses Newsletter.


Let’s talk about Followup
The purpose of an autoresponder  or the WorldProfit Prospect Manager/Newsletter is FOLLOWUP.  It takes 7-11 exposures for someone to “get it” — move through the sales funnel from:
Lead -> Prospect -> Customer
(even if they have a “buyer” mindset)
Any followup message stream should INFORM:  TELL don’t SELL.
Answer the prospect’s question: WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?)
Use a ratio of 3-4 INFORMATION messages to 1 PROMO message
Stitch a healthy dose of WorldProfit incentives, ebooks, ecourses, affiliate links, and other SUBTLE promotions below the signature line, even in INFORMATION messages.  I will put a one-liner offer of a free WorldProfit eBook that already has the sales funnel set up like George’s and Sandi’s books in WorldProfit Ad Examples ! List Builder Pages
Here’s my favorite post-signature line rotator list:
Check out my website
Check Out Today’s Featured ClickBank Product
Check out Today’s Free eBook or Video 
Check Out Today’s Featured Home Business System
​I will Fill Your Downline with PAID Members
(Click Link Again for More Choices)
 I have rotators set up for all the WorldProfit ClickBank Promo Kit products, one set up for affiliate programs, eBook of the day, ecourses. etc.  
Use a Viral Rotator like the one for CommissionsUnleashed that promotes that safelist site with a header that invites them to get a free rotator – it’s laced with YOUR affiliate ID.  Earn commissions and points (through referrals),   build your downlines, use the Referral Mailer, and Line Mailer (to everyone who joins after you).
When I promote my own sites, I always use a lead capture page to get them on my list.  My sites already have an autoresponder message stream that goes to all new members that teaches them about features, functions, etc. so YOU don’t need to create one.  So in this case, create a WorldProfit landing page that gives away ebooks, etc, and tells them about WP traffic packages, even copy Sandi’s newsletters and insert your own links.
Let’s talk about Autoresponders and the SuperNet Hub
MY preference in autoresponders, is​ (TEHBcom for short).  Hundreds of landing page templates, Done-For-You  campaigns, a huge downline builder, tons of resources.  Eventually, I would recommend the Gold level upgrade for you (not now).  Use 
Joe (Bubba Joe) Freyaldenhoven has created an amazing business system that allows YOU to earn and share in the good fortune HE has found.
A simple concept. 
  • Give them top quality tools for an incredibly reasonable Lifetime price
  • Give them a state of the art autoresponder with unlimited campaigns, messages and subscribers
  • Give them Done-For-You campaigns to “cultivate” your prospective customers
  • Give them programs that can earn up to 100%+ commission.
  • Give them a reason to stay, and invite others to join also.
I have been looking very carefully at what Joe has done, and I’ve jumped on-board 100%.  
  • Where he offers Founders level memberships that get 100%+ commissions – I’m on it!
  • I have spent more for SJV memberships that don’t deliver 1/4 of the features, functionality, and active members.
  • Joe is a top seller at WorldProfit too.
Joe has gotten it right.  
Here’s how TheDownliner fits into the Picture
This all started with Joe’s video on TheDownliner.  If you already have an autoresponder, you should set up your lead capture page to point to a follow-up message stream for either TheDownliner or as in Joe’s video, the SuperNet Hub.
The Downliner also has a brand new feature called TDL Machine.  This is designed to get you PAID downlines at All-In-One-Profits.  For $11.45 per month, it takes only two paid downlines and you are in PROFIT.  The TDL Machine is absolutely an autopilot referral BEAST.
You can use the great stuff already set up  Done-For-You landing page, SuperHub message stream (25 Multi-stream income opportunities).  
Let’s Discuss the Power of the Autopromoter System
The “Autopromoter” opportunities provide landing pages, ad copy, and autorresponders for the 25 programs.  The Autopromoter is free for you to use, but let me tell you the secret to success using these incredible Done-For-You tools:
(I have some suggestions for where to promote – keep reading)
You Have to JOIN for the SuperNet Hub to work!
I recommend that you join all of the 39 programs (so that you are building YOUR downline as you get referrals with the landing page you are using).   As you join each program, be sure to update your TEHBcom Profile (MY Personal info)
This takes care of the list building aspect (to a certain extent since you only have limited lead storage as a free member) but, you also want to start building a portfolio of COMMISSION EARNING Multiple streams of Income.
PICK ONE PROGRAM at a time, and UPGRADE FOR THAT PROGRAM.  In this case, start with TheDownliner
Use the landing page that is designed for THAT particular program.  Use the ad copy from within that program but substitute your LANDING PAGE URL for the referral ID
You ALWAYS need Traffic
This is a STRATEGY that you build a BUSINESS PLAN to accomplish, not an “EAT EVERYTHING AT ONCE” pig-out marketing buffet.  If you need business plan resources, go to my totally free membership site GrabThoseLeads
(This is not directed at you because YOU GET IT! but this is my standard speech to newbies)
I hear every single free member say that they do not have any money.  They only want to use free resources and are unwilling to invest in the tools or traffic necessary to build and grow a business.  That is a definition of a HOBBY.  Give up now.  Don’t bother going any farther.  It is a matter of choices.  If you are not willing to  invest in YOUR BUSINESS, why would you expect others to buy from you? I’m not talking about thousands of dollars not a long term commitment for hundreds of dollars per month!
A MONTHLY PAYMENT OF $7.95 will buy you a monthly GOLD MEMBERSHIP at Team Elite Home Businesses. All the tools you need: unlimited autoresponder, unlimited subscribers, unlimited landing pages, team support and TRAFFIC!
Included with all paid memberships to TEHBcom, are memberships to our top safelists.  These sites not only give you mailing credits, but a veritable lifetime of traffic AND an opportunity to earn commissions by getting referrals.
I have other traffic sources I can share with you, some free, some that deliver great traffic for just a little cost.  I want to help you to get YOUR business started today.  Sign up for TEHBcom as a paid member, and I am available to assist you.
Programs to Join NOW through the Autopromoter (puts you in MY downline)
  • Leased Ad Space – join for free but do the $7 one-time  upgrade that gets you 1 solo ad every 28 days for LIFE 
  • 1TAE – great banner advertising and traffic 
  • Cash Stream Maximizer – all upgraded members earn 100% commissions 
  • Pangea – each email goes to over 23,000 members

  • #1 Goldmine – no clicking!  send to 338,000 members!
Reference Section (file this for future use or at least bookmark this URL)

My Favorite Safelist Sites:
Instant Commission  Sites
CommissionsUnleashed  – Recommend GOLD OTO 100k points PLUS ad pack + promo codes.  2 SuperNetworks
YourLuckyFastCash  – Recommend GOLD OTO 100k points PLUS ad pack + promo codes.  2 SuperNetworks
CashStreamMaximizer  – Recommend GOLD OTO 100k points PLUS ad pack + promo codes.  2 SuperNetworks
Critical Mass Ads – Recommend GOLD OTO 100k points PLUS ad pack + promo codes.  2 SuperNetworks
Leads2Cash – Recommend GOLD OTO 100k points PLUS ad pack + promo codes.  1 SuperNetwork
ViralCashMultiplier – Recommend GOLD OTO 100k points PLUS ad pack + promo codes. 1 SuperNetwork
Viral Mailers
ViralListDynamics – Mailer with 4 SuperNetworks Recommend Gold
MajesticViralMailer – Mailer with 4 SuperNetworks Recommend Gold
YouNeedTraffic – Mailer  Recommend Gold
Full Feature TAEs
SoloAdsWork – TAE with 2 SuperNetworks. Recommend Lifetime SJV 
Other TEHB MoneyMaker Instant Commission Sites
SuperNetwork Strategy and Resources
Free or low-cost Non-Safelist Traffic Sources

Tim&Geo – Post your ads

Free Ad Boards – post for free or own a site 

My contact info:
Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail .com
Paying It Forward…
Free Download of my eBook, “A Traffic Strategy”
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Check out Today’s Free eBook or Video 
Check Out Today’s Featured Home Business System
​I will Fill Your Downline with PAID Members
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