Resources for Any Business

Here are some resources to help you in your journey of Building a Business.  Most are resources for any business, but some may be of particular interest for internet marketers.

Most of the intellectual property items like eBooks, eCourses, and videos are free, but if the licensing requires a minimum allowable price, I am contractually bound but I assure you, the lowest possible price will be offered.

Signup and upgrade for any of these items is at your own discretion.  Please confer with me if you want the “scoop” on any particular project or resource.  My contact information is at the bottom of this page.

I recommend that you use the form to your right to subscribe to my Home Business Tips Newsletter – has over 400 “10 best…” type home business tips.  These are so good, that I even signed up for them, even though I OWN the list!.  I recommend starting a folder in your email and holding on to these for future reference.[br]




Social Media



My video and step by step tutorials are in several places:


Many of my landing pages.  Some samples (but also some great content).


Training and eCourses




Traffic Sources


Safelists I Own

Promo Codes



Current Projects


Business Systems

Done For You Marketing Systems


Autoresponders – My Recommendations for Autoresponders

Miscellaneous Programs and Tools

Safelists/Traffic Exchanges I Use Every Day


SJV or CEO Level

2Safelist.Com Ad Pros AdTactics
Complete Advertising Freedom Solos Friday Night List!
My Traffic Master PinnacleAdz Right Here Traffic
Simply Great Traffic Spellbound ADZ Textalicious
Traffic in Abundance Unique Text Ads Unlimited Viral Ads  Majestic Wolves  Just Great Traffic
MyFreeSafelist MyFreeMoneyMakingSafelist MySafelistPays
MySuperSafelist Awesome-Adz Magnetic-Matrix-Solos
Millionaire-Maker-Safelist ProfitClubhouseAds SuperSolosAndCash
SuperFastAds TigersRoar SoloExchange
SupremeTrafficSolos TheAdDepot  


Free or JV

50 Cent Solos Blazing Hot Viral Mailer Cash4uSafelist
Classy Clicks 4U Email-Hog Fast List Mailer Instant Traffic Generation Majestic Wolves Super JV ads
Mordor Rising Safelists.Co Tiger Solo Ads Plus
LOLSolosInstantViralMailer ClickOrReturnEmailWiz MySafelistMailer


Traffic Sites

Supercharged Solo Ads  

 Power Boost Super Solos

 SuperSOLO Ad Network  Supreme Solo Ad  List Joe
 ViralTrafficOutbreak TrafficAtItsBest TezakTrafficPower
BestListMailer VitalViralPro TEHoopla
TrafficSwirl Hit2Hit ExplosiveTraffic
TE Profits AffliateMarketingToolbox AdMasterPlus
FreeCoolTraffic NewsClickingSafelist TrafficAtTheRaces
Hits4Pay EasyViews UnlimitedViralAds


 Paid Traffic Sites

  TopSurfer BlastMyAds
Promotion Magnet SuperchargedSoloAds TheTrafficGuru
SoloAdAvertising Udimi GuaranteedMails
FullAdBlast GameFaceAds FreeAdBoard
TE Builder    


 Safelists I Use Occasionally (weekly or monthly)


100 Percent Mailer Active Safelist  
Ad Troopers Safelist Banner Ads That Pay 4 The Big Cats
Blast My Ads BuzzBee Advertising Downline Builder Direct
Dynamite-Safelist Easy Hits 4 U Effective Safelist
Elite Email Traffic List GFA Sites
Golden Chest Mailer Leads Leap Lincoln Text Ads
List Bonus List Building Maximizer List Effects
List Jumper List Volta Max Mailer Pro
 Owl Hits Puffin Mailer Quantum Safelist
Reactive Adz Right Now Traffic Safelist Extreme
Samson Safelist Simple Safelist Super Safe Mailer
The Lead Magnet The List Auction The Optin
Tip Top Traffic Traffic Ad Links Traffic Center
Traffic For Hope Traffic Pro List Ultimate Safelist Exchange
Safelist Plus Viral Ad Magnet Viral Ad Store
Viral List Builder Plus Viral Nugget Viral Profit Mail
Wonder Mailer World Safelist 4U Yours 2 Success
Zoned For Traffic  LOL Solos  Mister Safelist


Well, if you think this is it, guess again.   There is SO MUCH MORE — all you have to do is ASK.


RichMy Contact Information:

Rich Moyer
Phone: 484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm Eastern (USA)
Skype: richard.moyer.1953
(Your profile must be complete for me to consider
adding you as a contact on Skype)
Updated 11/03/2015
Background: Elk in Yellowstone National Park, 2013