Here are some resources to help you in your journey of Building a Business. Most are resources for any business, but some may be of particular interest for internet marketers.
Most of the intellectual property items like eBooks, eCourses, and videos are free, but if the licensing requires a minimum allowable price, I am contractually bound but I assure you, the lowest possible price will be offered.
Signup and upgrade for any of these items is at your own discretion. Please confer with me if you want the “scoop” on any particular project or resource. My contact information is at the bottom of this page.
I recommend that you use the form to your right to subscribe to my Home Business Tips Newsletter – has over 400 “10 best…” type home business tips. These are so good, that I even signed up for them, even though I OWN the list!. I recommend starting a folder in your email and holding on to these for future reference.[br]
Social Media
- SlackSocial (for Facebook submissions)
- YouTube Channel
- Google Plus
My video and step by step tutorials are in several places:
- How to Succeed with Safelists
- My Youtube Channel
- WorldProfit Video Vault
- GrabThoseLeads Learn to Earn
- GrabThoseLeads Blog
- Text Ad Exchanges as a Business
Many of my landing pages. Some samples (but also some great content).
Training and eCourses
- eCourses (most free unless otherwise indicated)
- Master WordPress Videos
Traffic Sources
- ViralInbox
- ViralURL
- ViralHosts
- Got Hits
- Pangea
- Referral Frenzy
- Downline Builder Elite
- Mail-Hog
- 10 Buck Blast
- Sites Paying Me
- Herculist
- TopSurfer
- Diamond URL Rotator
- Gold Banner Rotator
- Sapphire Solo Rotator
- Ruby Solo eBlasts
- WorldProfit Traffic Injectors
- SEO Optimizer Pro + 12 Upgraded Life Memberships
Safelists I Own
- Giant Profit Ads
- Mad Cow Ads
- CommissionsUnleashed
- YourLuckyFastCash
- OneStopSolos
- QuickCashSolos
- CashStreamMaximizer
- Freedommails
- WorldTextAds
- AmazingTextAds
- ListVapor
- ClassyAdsProfits
Promo Codes
- Promo Code Frenzy – TONS of Ads
- Traffic codex
- Truckloads of Ads – one-time $10 Lifetime Membership
- LifeBalanceB2B – Business to Business
- ExcelVBAWizard – Excel Macro Programming
- – Legitimate Work At Home Opportunities Blog
- Commissions Unleashed Blog – TAE Tips and Tutorials
- WorldProfit Blog
Current Projects
- EasyCash4Ads
- YourViralList, YourViralTraffic, YourViralMailer, 10XMailer
- Payspree Sniper
- ClickBank Passive Income
- AIOP Team Build
- Gorilla Marketing System
Business Systems
- WorldProfit – Tools, training, traffic, resources
- WorldProfit Tour
Done For You Marketing Systems
- TeamEliteHomeBusinesses – Done-for-You Free SuperNet Business Hub for 25 Streams of Income
Autoresponders – My Recommendations for Autoresponders
- Team Elite Home (My Choice)
- GetResponse
- AWeber
- Lead System Network
Miscellaneous Programs and Tools
- Newbie Product Assault
- Responsive Squeeze Page Generator
- Ten Dollar Sniper Assault
- Turbo Gif Animator
- Instant Funnel Machine
- 10 Best Tools For Building A Big List
- Detox Funnel
- The Home Business Guru
- Banner Ads are Back
- Conversion Intensifier
- Email Tycoon
- Hidden Traffic Formula
- Instant Squeeze Page Generator
- Mobile Revolution
- Web Video Production
- 4200 Profit-Producing Email Swipes
- JVZoo Academy
Safelists/Traffic Exchanges I Use Every Day
SJV or CEO Level
Free or JV
Traffic Sites
Paid Traffic Sites
TopSurfer | BlastMyAds | |
Promotion Magnet | SuperchargedSoloAds | TheTrafficGuru |
SoloAdAvertising | Udimi | GuaranteedMails |
FullAdBlast | GameFaceAds | FreeAdBoard |
TE Builder |
Safelists I Use Occasionally (weekly or monthly)
Well, if you think this is it, guess again. There is SO MUCH MORE — all you have to do is ASK.
My Contact Information: