
Welcome to our Review Site

Thanks for joining us.  We will be posting reviews of  some of our favorite, or not so favorite programs.

As with any product, your opinion is generally formed at first contact, but we have also encountered many products that have taken us by surprise by providing exceptional value and service.  Then there’s the others that continue to disappoint on a daily basis.

Because they are opinions, they are our views based on our specific experience with a particular product and service.  We do not intend to sugar coat our responses, however, if credit is due, we will not be shy in throwing a little sunshine in that direction.

Different partners and participants within our circle of friends and associates do not necessarily share the opinions of those posted, so take the review as simply a reflection of the reviewer’s views and experiences, and not those of our company as a whole.  We will occasionally solicit, (and welcome, by the way) reviews and comments from others, in which case we ask for the same segmentation: it is simply a review by the reviewer, and not necessarily my assessment or opinion.

Rich  Moyer
+1-484-902-8819 (M-F 8am-5pm Eastern)


Here is a list of the reviews posted to this site:

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