Step By Step Setup Example

I had a question posed to me, “Can I Promote xxxx on my new Traffic Monsoon account?”[br]
This goes well beyond having one traffic exchange on which you promote your ads.[br]
The short answer to this question is “yes”, but you must realize that anything you promote, you must JOIN and become an AFFILIATE.[br]
About Promoting
Before you can promote ANY program, you must sign up to be an AFFILIATE of that program.  For most programs, whether it is a safelist, traffic exchange, MLM, or anything else, they require affiliates to be MEMBERS.  So, you must first JOIN the program.[br]
Most safelists or traffic exchanges do not require that you are a PAID member to become an affiliate, and in most cases, the safelist automatically assumes that you are joining to be an affiliate, so there is a section called Affiliate Toolbox or Tools and Stats, or many variations of these.  You are provided with an AFFILIATE ID, that is your identity when promoting your program.  Anyone who responds to an  ad coded with that affiliate ID, becomes your REFERRAL or DOWNLINE MEMBER when they join.[br]
Typical affiliate tools include:
  • Your AFFILIATE ID – you use this as the “TARGET URL” in ads
  • One or more SPLASH PAGES – fast-loading banners coded with your affiliate ID used on safelists and traffic exchanges
  • BANNERS – the most common graphical ad – 468×60 pixels – displayed both on the site and in the headers of web pages displayed when a prospect clicks a “credit link”
  • BUTTONS – square graphic ads 125×125 pixels that are typically displayed only on the site you are promoting on
  • LOGIN ADS – large graphic ads 600×300 pixels that are displayed after the member logs on
  • Other Graphics – various sizes used on web pages, blogs, and sales pages. ONLY THE 3 GRAPHIC ADS ABOVE SHOULD BE USED ON SAFELISTS AND TRAFFIC EXCHANGES
  • Ad Copy – generally subject lines, ad body, and your affiliate id are defined for you.  Copy and paste into credit mailer ads, system mailers, and SOLO ADS.
  • Tweets and Facebook ads
These promotional tools are nice, but once that referral signs up, you have limited control or ability to regularly communicate with them.  [br]
Keep in mind that your objective is to BUILD YOUR LIST.  [br]
Why?  Because it takes 7 to 11 “exposures” to a product, service, or concept for a prospect to “get it”, meaning only after many exposures do they start to recognize it and understand the features and benefits of what you are promoting.  You rarely make a sale on the first exposure, so you need a way to send STRUCTURED MESSAGES that INTRODUCE and EXPLAIN each of those features and benefits.[br]
By using an AUTORESPONDER, you can set up these structured follow-up messages, at pre-defined intervals, that are “dripped” to your prospects over a period of time, this giving that prospect a chance to learn about that product slowly, and exposed frequently, so they WANT to BUY.  I call this CUSTOMER CULTIVATION.[br]
Once those leads are on your LIST, you also have the opportunity to tell them about OTHER RELATED THINGS, and you can send BROADCAST MESSAGES to tell them about events.[br]
So you see, it is VERY IMPORTANT to ONLY PROMOTE LANDING PAGES (also called Lead Capture Pages, Squeeze Pages) so  you are capturing their email and name, and getting them to opt-in to your list.[br]
Step By Step
Let’s use a brand new safelist, Paid Viral Mailer, as the “product” we are promoting. There are some steps necessary for you to start promoting it.[br]
First JOIN Paid Viral Mailer as a FREE MEMBER.   Be sure to use ONLY GMAIL or VIRAL INBOX email addresses!  Since this is one of my sites, you will be asked to provide your email and name on my Lead Capture Page first, before you are even given the opportunity to join Paid Viral Mailer.[br]
Once you provide your information, you will be asked to VERIFY YOUR EMAIL (also called Opt-In).  Find the Welcome email sent to you that contains that verification link (check the SPAM folder if you do not find it within several minutes in your INBOX).[br]
Keep in mind that you have not joined Paid Viral Mailer yet!  After opt-in to the lead capture page, you will be taken to the Paid Viral Mailer sign-up page.  Here you provide your name, the same email you used on the lead capture page, and any other information requested.  Look for a checkbox that shows your agreement to Terms and Conditions.[br]
The first thing you will see is called a ONE TIME OFFER (or OTO).  This may in fact be a series of offers, and it may be the ONLY time you see these offers, so if you are SURE that this is a safelist you wish to have a long term relationship with, choose the OTO you can afford.   I usually do NOT accept OTO’s on the first login until I have a chance to look around, see what is offered, and understand activity on the site and effectiveness of the ads.[br]
THIS IS NOT THE CASE for sites owned by several of my trusted fellow site owers:   Joe Freyaldenhoven’s Team Elite Home Businesses (TEHB), Eva Brown-Patterson,  Maryanne Myers, Kenny Lessing, to name a few.   For these, I join and upgrade to the highest level that I can afford.[br]
The next thing is to Edit Your Profile, change from the default password to one of your own, and enter your Paypal, Payza, or other accepted payment method AND the way you will be paid commissions.[br]
Set Up Your Lead Capture System.
You build your list by setting up a LEAD CAPTURE PAGE that captures the name and email of your lead.[br]
Go to the tab Blank Lead Capture Page.  Click the Settings Box and click Duplicate This Page[br]
TEHB Capture Page settingsbox
Close that capture page without saving, then access the new blank page you created in Capture Pages then My Capture Pages – it will be at the bottom of the page.
  • Click Settings
  • Click Manage Lead Groups
  • At the bottom of the page, create a new Contact Group PaidViralMailer and click Add Contact Group
Now connect this page to the capture group you just created
  • Set the Title to Paid Viral Mailer
  • Set the Contact Group to PaidViralMailer and change from Replace to APPEND
  • In Redirect URL, copy your Referral ID (sometimes called Affiliate ID) from the site you just joined and paste it here
  • Click Save at the bottom of the page

Create the body of the lead capture page.[br]


  • Use the Login Ad 600×300 graphic from your Affiliate Toolbox on the site you just joined.
  • Take as much information from the email you saw that invited you to join Paid Viral Mailer.
  • Use Tweets and information in banners in the Affiliate Toolbox.
  • On the site you joined, look at the Members Area for intro information
  • See if there is an About link or other possible promo material.

Create your Autoresponder followup messages

  • Always make the first message a “welcome to…” message with a minimal amount of information an tell them more info about Paid Viral Mailer will be sent to their inbox over the next couple days.
  • Be sure to set the interval and Contact Group when creating each message.  The interval must be different than other intervals or you will be prompted to overwrite the existing message.
  • Use followup messages from the Paid Viral Mailer Affiliate Toolbox
  • Always include a message, “Join Here if Not A Member” with your AFFILIATE ID linked (they already joined your LIST).
  • Go through EACH menu item on the site
  • Explain the Comp Plan
  • Tell about contests
  • Explain the benefits of upgrading
  • Tell about Team Elite Home Businesses Autoresponder
  • Tell them about ways to drive traffic to this site
  • Tell them about other TEHB sites you have joined with THOSE lead capture page URLs.  Why the lead capture URL rather than just Affiliate ID since they are already on your list?  Because you want them to get the great followup messages for THOSE SITES too.

Populate Ads on Paid Viral Mailer

  • Do NOT put ads for Paid Viral Mailer on this site – it is redundant since only members will see it!
  • Look for PROMO CODES and redeem on the Advertise Here tab.
  • Put only a sampling of each ad type: one or two, then come back in a few days to see which ad types are getting traffic.  At least banners, buttons, traffic links, hot links, login ads, Solo ads (if available)
  • Fill out the DOWNLINE BUILDER
  • Check out Second Chance OTO’s
  • If a Surf site, add your sites.

Promote Paid Viral Mailer[br]

I recommend posting ads at MANY places, most you can join for free. The key is VOLUME. Marketing is a “numbers game”.[br]


Here is a video that takes you through the whole process of creating a Sales Funnel for a new site that you join.  You will see that we used Paid Viral Mailer in this example.[br]

Rich Moyer
WebcastSource .com
Team Elite Inner Circle Member
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail .com
Paying It Forward…