Join Commissions Unleashed
- Take OTO #1 or the Second Chance OTO!
- How Much? $17.00 for Lifetime Gold Membership.
- Get $450 in Ads and Bonuses with Gold Upgrade
- Huge Variety of Onsite and Email Ad Options
- Earn 50% of Sales and Upgrades from your Referrals.
- Opens the Door to Platinum or Founder Upgrades.
Save Time and Money
- SuperNetwork Solo Ads to Tens and Thousands
- All Double Opt-In Members takes 2 Minutes Per Ad
- One Membership. 2 SuperNetworks. Under $4 Each Solo
- Bulk Purchase SuperNetwork Ads 5 for $15.
- Surfing for Credits Not Necessary.
Build Your List
- Each Referral is on YOUR List
- Email Your Referrals with YOUR Offers
- Banners, Text Ads, Solo Ad Copy, Tweets Provided
- Optional Autoresponder & Lead Capture System
– Team Elite Responder for $47 Gold Lifetime.
– Done-For-You Lead Capture Pages and Autoresponders
Earn Money
- Earn 50% of Sales for Each Referral’s Upgrades, Ad Purchases
- Pass Up the “Evens”
- You Get Paid 100% of the First Sale, Pass Up the Next…
- You Get Paid 100% of the 3rd Sale, Pass Up the Next, etc.
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Commissions Unleashed is an excellent opportunity site.
- This is NOT a Pyramid or Ponzi Scheme, MLM or a get-rich-quick program.
- It is NOT a matrix program, or a multi-level marketing program.
- There is no requirement to have a website or sell any product to use our service.
- There is no requirement to refer anyone to our site to use our service.
- Bringing in referrals can be rewarded with commissions, points, or ads.
- Purchases made by referrals pay commission ON ONLY ONE LEVEL to the sponsor according to that sponsor’s membership level.
- Commission is earned as a percentage of SALES instances, not a percentage of revenue
- You won’t get rich by using our internet advertising program.
- Members are required to login and show activity on their account at least in every 30 day period.
- Members are required to have Paypal or Payza to be paid commissions or make any onsite ad purchases or upgrades.
- Payments of commissions are to the sponsoring member or admin via Paypal or Payza.
- There is a no refund policy
- 100%+ Commissions is a phrase that describes 100% Commissions from all sales + the Admin share