Your Results Have Not Met Your Expectations. Do You Want to Take Your Advertising to the Next Level?
Ever think about including Social Media in your Marketing Plan?
I will submit YOUR AD to at least 20 Facebook Home-Based Business Groups for $5.00
I have right of refusal for the content of your ad.
- Make sure the claims in your ads can be backed up with solid proof. (No outlandish claims of any type)
- No claims that are deceptive in nature. (e.g Join business X and make $XXX,XXX a month!)
- No adult, offensive or illegal ads (including pyramid schemes and chainletters).
- Limit your ads to 1500 characters max.
- Include only ONE URL (which will be shortened).
- Complete Ad must be in English with no intentional misspellings.
- I recommend that you SPELLCHECK your ad. I will make any corrections I feel necessary.
This is a Safe Ad Zone. Promotions will not be accepted for the projects on this blacklist. See the list at this link:
Refunds will only be issued if the ad is not suitable for publication. A $1.50 restocking fee will be assessed for ads that do NOT meet requirements above (My merchant account assesses these fees and they are non-refundable).
Here’s What You Need to Do…
Step 1 – Pay for your Ad
Step 2 – Enter your contact information, Subject + Body of the Ad, and Target URL. (Text only. No HTML. No Rotators)
Step 3 – enter the Approximate Time of Day (Eastern USA) When You Want Your Ad To Run.
Step 4 – You will receive a confirmation message to validate your submission
Step 5 – You will be informed by eMail when your ad is scheduled to run.