Downline Builders – An Untapped Resource
I encourage you to build your downlines. Your referrals are an invaluable resource to YOU by strengthening your own position in the programs you have joined, providing YOU with points and even COMMISSIONS. Downline builders themselves are multi-stream income opportunities.
There are three primary reasons why people do not take advantage such powerful resources like Traffic Hoopla and other downline builders:[break]
[break] Traffic Hoopla is a great vehicle to build your downline in the most popular and profitable programs. You join, and promote a single page that invites OTHERS to join these programs, at which time they become YOUR referrals.[break]
Join Traffic Hoopla[break]
On the Safelists, Surf sites, and Text Ad Exchanges that I OWN, I encourage all members, even free members, to promote those safelists to get referrals that earn points for YOU every time your referrals login, you earn a percentage of the points your referrals earn, and you get commissions for purchases and upgrades made by your referrals.
I have taken the time to create HUGE downline builders on these sites where my SUBSCRIBERS can build their list of referrals to gain these advantages for themselves.
Join My Sites that have extensive downline builders:[break]
Likewise for the major programs I promote. It’s all about list building, not selling. You join, you get referrals, and you are REWARDED for doing nothing but promoting these sites.[break][break]
I started using a great, inexpensive tool called Down Line Builder Caddy that builds its database every time you fill out a downline builder. The next time you join another downline builder, DLB Caddy synchs the referral ID’s or referral links from the DLB Caddy database with that downline builder, and captures each new entry you make.[break][break]
DownLineBuilder Caddy[break]
It’s FREE to join these sites. For a small investment in DLB Caddy, you substantially reduce the time, record keeping requirements, and INCREASE your probability of getting referrals that supply YOU with an endless supply of POINTS and INCOME.
Look at all the advertising power you gain in the process.
BTW, you get even MORE of these benefits when you join these INSTANT COMMISSION SITES and fill out the downline builders on each of them. Even free members earn commissions for 20% of sales.
Join Instant Commission Sites:[break]
Rich Moyer
[break][break] PS[break][break] Get 400 Days of Home Business Tips using the form at the top right of the sidebar[break] |
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